This comprehensive document has been put together by a grassroots group of parents and professionals based in Glasgow. The group got together because they were concerned about what they were hearing from their own children about some of the materials being used in schools. Most of the concerns were linked to the teaching materials in Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RHSP) which is the curriculum being promoted by the Scottish Government and the regulatory body Education Scotland across all Scottish schools. This group also has a more general concern about the promotion of gender ideology in Scottish schools. The evidence for this is clear in that the RSHP ‘product places’ the undefined concept of ‘trans’ throughout its materials. Similarly, the Scottish Government Guidelines, Supporting Transgender Pupils In Schools references methodologically unsound research and makes recommendations for: supporting social transition, affirming self-identification, and breast binding. Such approaches are disputed by more reputable reports such as The Cass Report.
We recommend this booklet as being helpful and informative for parents. We also think it gives a useful insight in to a variety of parental experiences to date and provides food for thought for parents in all parts of Scotland.