Our Challenge to the Scottish Government
In light of the Scottish Government's response to the Cass Review, we have set out a new and unambiguous statement that takes account of the ongoing concerns of ScotPAG's membership in the professional fields of Health, Education, and Social Work. We issue the following as a challenge to the Scottish Government to bring about urgently needed change

ScotPAG Statement August 2024
The Scottish Government (SG) Report, ’Cass Implications for Scotland’ was published on the 5th July 2024 in response to the Cass Review’s (CR) recommendations, published on the 10th April 2024. The CR and its Scottish response both state that it is essential to take a holistic approach towards supporting gender questioning children
The evidence from countries affected is that the source of the huge increase in gender questioning children stems from the known phenomenon of social contagion, media influence and “product placement” of the adult term ‘transgender’ within schools and nearly all other establishments.
Based on robust international research and the evidence provided by Cass who stated in her report that ‘social transition is not a neutral act', it is clear that our health, education, and social services should remove gender affirming and social transition policies from all institutions with immediate effect. For the sake of the emotional wellbeing not only of all our children, but also of staff, the concept that any individual can change sex should be removed from all aspects of our public institutions.
The Scottish Government along with those responsible for running and overseeing our public institutions, should recognize the embedded nature of gender ideology as a public health emergency affecting the safeguarding of all children and families which to a significant extent, they have helped to create.
Our Challenge to the Scottish Government​
1. All guidance in public services endorsing gender ideology must be removed with immediate effect
2. Gender ideology messaging must be removed from all public institutions e.g. from
school curricula, health communications and notices, social work language
3. Gender ideology must be removed from educational materials and from all
professionals’ social work, education and health training courses
4. Third sector organisations lacking the knowledge base, specific training, and
professional skills to assess mental health conditions, must not be providing input to our schools, nor promoting gender ideology in any of our public services
5. Evidence-based, systemic reviews must be recognized as the sole basis for
interventions in the provision of public services
6. The concept of ‘trans’ must be recognized as using regressive stereotypes for
identification and is arguably homophobic

ScotPAG Statement August 2024
The Scottish Government (SG) Report, ’Cass Implications for Scotland’ was published on the 5th July 2024 in response to the Cass Review’s (CR) recommendations, published on the 10th April 2024. The CR and its Scottish response both state that it is essential to take a holistic approach towards supporting gender questioning children
The evidence from countries affected is that the source of the huge increase in gender questioning children stems from the known phenomenon of social contagion, media influence and “product placement” of the adult term ‘transgender’ within schools and nearly all other establishments.
Based on robust international research and the evidence provided by Cass who stated in her report that ‘social transition is not a neutral act', it is clear that our health, education, and social services should remove gender affirming and social transition policies from all institutions with immediate effect. For the sake of the emotional wellbeing not only of all our children, but also of staff, the concept that any individual can change sex should be removed from all aspects of our public institutions.
The Scottish Government along with those responsible for running and overseeing our public institutions, should recognize the embedded nature of gender ideology as a public health emergency affecting the safeguarding of all children and families which to a significant extent, they have helped to create.
Our Challenge to the Scottish Government​
1. All guidance in public services endorsing gender ideology must be removed with immediate effect
2. Gender ideology messaging must be removed from all public institutions e.g. from
school curricula, health communications and notices, social work language
3. Gender ideology must be removed from educational materials and from all
professionals’ social work, education and health training courses
4. Third sector organisations lacking the knowledge base, specific training, and
professional skills to assess mental health conditions, must not be providing input to our schools, nor promoting gender ideology in any of our public services
5. Evidence-based, systemic reviews must be recognized as the sole basis for
interventions in the provision of public services
6. The concept of ‘trans’ must be recognized as using regressive stereotypes for
identification and is arguably homophobic
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